Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Memory Monday from Kuwait

how do you show a sense of humor in your life? what makes you feel happy, content or joyful?
Most people think I am very funny---all for different reasons....mostly I am funny to take the attention away from me by making people comfortable with me quickly so they simply are at ease and I am the least focal point in the room---point is to endure spotlight for a second or two and then it is diverted and my shy self can disappear into stoic metamorphology.....otherwise known as peace and quiet. The lady said today---can I call you when I don't have anything to say and I replied only if I don't have to respond......

Share one of your favorite summer memories
I would tell you that there are a million great Summer moments--less Winter moments with Fall and Spring in there somewhere. As the years roll by the seasons roll together more. My best memories were of championships won and home runs hit. I confess the Summer of 1995 was the best because I was sure I was in love, I was playing ball on a great team. We had a lot of money and laughed a lot. It was the idyllic Summer of lovers camping and loving and full of hope. Would that I could find that feeling again---alas I don't think it is here in Kuwait but may come someday.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Memory Monday

First driving experience was at nine years of age. His Uncle Arthur sent him to go get the mail. A man pulled out in front of him and he pretty near hit him. And a cop came up behind him and pulled him over and took him back to his Uncle who was a deputy sheriff. His Uncle said that it showed real talent that he did not hit the guy.

Monday, June 9, 2008

As Ken heads off to Kuwait

Adam and I thought we would create a blog for Ken to help us all keep in touch a bit better and have the opportunity to learn more about him and he about us.